Martial Artist Monkey

Hello, I am the Martial Artist Monkey. I am very well known in the Animal Kingdom, especially the Monkey Community. Here is why. One extremely hot day in Africa, my troop and I set out on a long trek in search of a waterhole. It was the start of a new summer in Africa and the temperatures down in Africa were going to reach an all-time high. Our journey had started very early that morning, because finding a waterhole was going to be difficult. This is because many animal groups end up fighting to the death if they come across … Continue reading Martial Artist Monkey

Rad Reading — November

During the month of November, I read Code of Honor by Alan Gratz. Code of Honor is about a boy named Kamran Smith. Kamran grows up in the United States with his family, including his brother Darius, who is the U.S. army. He and his family live a normal life, until one day when everything implodes. Darius seems to have turned against the United States and joined a terrorist group while fighting in Afghanistan. This group of terrorists are sending threats and attacks to the U.S. and they are using Darius to lead these awful attacks, upsetting many Americans, leading … Continue reading Rad Reading — November

Three Things I’m Thankful For

I am thankful for many things, but here are my top three things. First, I am thankful for my education. When I go to school, I get the opportunity to learn new things, find new interests, and get help, so I can succeed later on in life. I know that not everyone has the opportunity to go to school, which is why I know how lucky I am. Second, I am thankful for my family. I know that can count on my family to provide me with love and support. Along with knowing I can count on them, I am … Continue reading Three Things I’m Thankful For

My Three Wishes

If you were granted three wishes, what would you ask for? To start, I would ask for an unlimited amount of knowledge. If I was one of the most knowledgeable people it would be great, because I could help people solve problems or give them advice. To have a lot of knowledge is very important since you can find solutions to many things very easily. Additionally, I would ask to have an endless supply of money. Having an endless supply of money means I could live a very luxurious life and be able to buy whatever I want. With that … Continue reading My Three Wishes